jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2017

Lesson Plan: Using authentic material

Lesson Plan: Weather Report


- Students will be able to create a report about how to improve the climate change by writing it on their copybooks.
- Students will be able to design a poster related to climate change previously written by drawing it on a cardboard.

English Level: Intermediate 11th grade


First, the teacher will greet the students.
Then, the teacher will ask the students what they know about the changes that the weather has had lately.
After this, the teacher will tell to the students that Chile has joined to the World Against Climate Change campaign and for a better understanding of this they will watch a video about the campaign.

Later, the teacher will ask the students which facts about the campaign called their attention or where not familiar to them.


Afterwards, the teacher will ask the students to form groups of 4 students.
Each group will be asked to create a report based on the climate changes that their city has had during the past 2 years and mostly, how to improve this bad situation.
After that, the teacher will go to each group in order to check the writing activity.
Then, the students will have to design a poster related to the report of climate change that they previously wrote.
The poster and report must have at least two climate changes, drawings that illustrate those changes and a message regarding the care of the environment.


Each group will present in front of the class their weather report and their poster as they were meteorologists.

Here is an example of what the students should present

Hello and welcome to our weather show,
today we will talk about the biggest
climate change that Iquique has had
during the past 2 years.
2 years ago, the weather in Iquique was
neither too hot nor too cold, but lately,
Winter has been colder than ever, and so as
Summer.2 years ago, all you need in Winter
was a light jacket and now, it is impossible
to go out without a coat, gloves and a scarf.

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Introduction: Hello eveyone and welcome to my blog! My nam is Francesca Vivero and I'm studying English Teaching Program in Universi...